Christianopy is a fresh new blog that mainly talks about Christian songs lyrics and explaining these lyrics with an article and a music video! This blog deals with the issues most of us are going through these days but hopefully, it'll help you pass :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Origin: "This is what You do" by Bethel Music.

   "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"-2 Corinthians 5:17.   YES! This is what He does, ladies and gents! This song highlights the most important truth in all Christianity! God has made us alive! He created life and it's only through him that we can be alive again. And the more we wander away from the life of Christ, the more we die from the inside out yet our greatest weakness lies in that we consider our failures the very dead end of our road and never fail to recognise that it could be our enemy whispering thoughts in our ears!

   We are not normal beings, we are defined by who we are in Jesus Christ, we are a 'chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.' 1 Peter 2:9. We are the branches of his vine and the members of Christ's body. We are NOT defined by our darkness or by what surrounds us, we are not defined by our friends or families, and the greatest trick there is that Satan can pull on us is to make us fake our identity and search for it in this materialistic world. Well played but we're not that easy to get, we are not what the world dictates. We are what the living word of God says we are, no matter how far we run, as Christians, God will never give up on us and He will provide a way when we're lost. His helping hand is always there waiting for us to jump and grab it to be lifted up!

   This is how it goes in our lives, we are dead to sin. It can no more affect us, but hard times will come and we'll start questioning God and ourselves. But God says that the past is forgotten and hard times will no longer be found in Him because the moment you ask for it, you get a fresh new life. Being a Christian guarantees a life-changing process in Jesus Christ when we accept Him as our personal saviour. We are children of the light and we're not of darkness. We are protected and we are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ 'And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him.' 1 John 5:14-15. So I pray and ask for a new life to whoever needs it and searches for it, I pray for renewed lives and forgotten pasts because it is only through You, Jesus, that we can be encouraged and move on despite the war this world declares on us. I pray for waves of mercy and grace and for people to be carried away by these waves to places they never thought they'd reach. I pray for wisdom and for tender hearts that they may see Your face and presence in all that surrounds them because this is what you do! You make us come alive!

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Friday, October 24, 2014

Origin: "No One Else Knows" by Building 429.

   Well, we might not be the same but I bet each one of us had his own share of "Am I alone in this?" thoughts and boy, they're tough times! I couldn't agree more! And maybe you don't feel alone, perhaps everybody is just disagreeing with you or even facing problems with a close friend. Truth is, I never really cared as long as I had someone there for me. You know, it's like failing a test but not getting all mad about it because your classmates failed too. Haha.

   I'll be honest here and tell you a secret, no one will ever know how you feel, okay? EVER. No matter how well they know you, no one will ever get to know the real-deep-inside-of-you! Yet, we always fail to realise this because it's in our human nature to think about someone we know and close enough to run to whenever we need help and forget that:'The LORD remains near to all who call out to him, to everyone who calls out to him sincerely.' (Psalm 145:18). And that without our faith, we are making room for hatred, pain and drama in our lives. We always try to seek others for help before we seek God himself because we never knew that God, Himself, seeks us before others do! He's examined us, He knows our thoughts before we think them, He knows where we go and where we lie down. Where can we possible run away from Him? (Psalm 139).

   Many of our friends might come up begging us to open up and get things off of our chest but sometimes our reply could be that they wouldn't get what we'll say or they wouldn't understand our situation, they'd just tell you to try them and when you do, eventually, they really don't get what you say which makes it a bit worse BUT God is NOT like that! God said:'Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.' (Matthew 11:28). He did not say:'I might give you rest', 'Try me' or even 'I'll think about it'. He said and HE PROMISED that He would give us rest! 

   And the funny thing is, we always have the tendency to focus on our sufferings instead of setting our eyes on God's unchanging promises! 'You are extremely happy about these things, even though you have to suffer different kinds of trouble for a little while now. The purpose of these troubles is to test your faith as fire tests how genuine gold is. Your faith is more precious than gold, and by passing the test, it gives praise, glory, and honour to God. This will happen when Jesus Christ appears again.' (1 Peter 1:6-7). 

   I, myself, hate it when someone tells me:'I know how you feel' and I go like:'No, you don't. You don't know what I'm going through, you don't know how I feel, you don't know what I'm thinking of, you didn't live my life!' And it's true, life is a true challenge and the only way to win this challenge is for your eyes to be on the prize! And the prize is going through unstable life stages hand in hand with our unchanging God who went through everything we're facing, even death. Yes, death. 

   I won't deny that it's good having friends who will always be there for us knowing that it will be partial and imperfect yet it's better to know that God is always there for us forever and perfectly! God knows how we feel through Jesus!

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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Origin: "Worn" by Tenth Avenue North.

   This is such a great start for me choosing lyrics from my own favourite song by Tenth Avenue North. I would have written the whole song's lyrics here for they are so true and beautiful! Let me guess, reading the title made you think about something, right? Something that you went/are going/are going to go through. Yeah, well, I felt the same thing writing the whole article and it wasn't easy for me to write about something that I, myself, am suffering from.

   As a Christian believer, this world is not mine and I DO NOT belong to it, I look at it just the way I look at someone I don't know. I don't know it, I can't get it and I most certainly do not want to live in a place so filled with pain and hatred. Mike Donehey shows us in painful words how depressing this world could get and how hard we're hit every now and then. 

   John 16:33 states that:"--- In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."

Pain and suffering are both looked at with disgust and there's no living being on earth that would like to go through either one of them yet they keep throwing themselves at us without mercy but you guys didn't notice the verse I shared up there, did you? Jesus says:"I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD". And the thing is, we don't admit that He really has but instead we just keep looking at the tragedies of our lives. We will have tribulation and we will have trouble in our lives, that's for sure unless we define our "peace" as absence of problems. Well, it's not. Peace is not having a problem-free life, it's about making God the centre of our lives. It is HE who has overcome the world and I firmly believe that He is the only one who can give us rest.

   Donehey moves on with the song saying that HE CRIES OUT WITH ALL THAT HE HAS LEFT, and, frankly, that's what we're supposed to do nowadays and forever. To cry out with our minds and hearts to our saviour, Jesus Christ. People who fail to do this are often compared to those who live in a prison but its doors are opened!

   The weight of this world will crush our souls unless we ultimately decide to change what we're looking at. We should always remember that at our weaknesses, He is made strong. He brings calm to the storm and He brings rest to the restless. And whenever our souls are crushed I'd rather have a should crushed with longing for His ordinances at all times. (Psalm 119:20).